Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Skin Ageing

Why does skin age?
This is the question alot of people ask skin therapist on a daily basis.
As we age now over the age of 25 our collagen and elastin break down, which supports the skin tissue.
The skin ages due to stress, weather conditions, health issues, your age, moisturise loss, sun exposure etc
These conditons will help the skin cells slow down, we lose fatty acids, we lose calcium within the skin. The changes within the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, the top epidermal layer and the dermis layer are the main causes of ageing.
Clients need to be aware that protection of the skin with correct moisturising treatments will help the ageing process. When combined with a sunscreen and serum the results will be visible.

Consult your skin therapist at least twice a year for a Speed Mapping diagnosis or a Skin Diagnosis.
This will help you address your skin concerns and know exactly how to care for your skin on a daily basis.
Having a expert Skin therpist is like having your local GP. You need someone whom is skilled in diagnosis, this will save your skin and your wallet.
Remember sun protection is vital, any time of the year on all your body include face and hands.
Your skin will appreciate the extra effort you put in, and family and friends will comment.
Look after your largest organ - "YOUR SKIN"
bye for now

The girls at SKINCARE4YOU